(1908 - 1993)

provides free information, records, scores and consulting regarding
EUGEN SUCHOŇ and his opuses.
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Composer Eugen Suchoň (September 25, 1908 – August 5, 1993) was one of the most important composers of Slovak musical history.

From the very beginning the work of the artist has been a representative expression of the modern Slovak musical culture. It has acquainted the European musical scene with the typical psychological world of the Slovak man and his national ethics on the high artistic level, and in spirit of the fundamental tendencies of the European music of this century.

Suchon´s most important composition, First Slovak National Opera "Krutnava" ("The Whirlpool"), composed between 1941 and 1949 has been staged with considerable success throughout all opera venues in Slovakia and Czech Republic, as well as at many opera houses worldwide (such as Vienna, Lansing, Budapest, Munich, Moscow, Berlin, Leipzig, Antwerp etc...)

Of particular significance was his second opera "Svätopluk" ("King Svätopluk"), completed in 1959. This historic opera represents the monumental dramatic fresco from the period of the Great Moravian Empire. It is a large-scale work with noble aspirations, displaying Slavic motifs and culminating in the victory of good over evil.

Suchon's symphonic opuses Metamorphosis, Suite Balladesque, The Psalm of the Sub-Carpathian Land etc... as well as other instrumental and choral works are enchanting audiences in many cities around the world.

- Opera "Svatopluk" at the Slovak National Theatre
CD - Eugen Suchon: Complete Chamber Works, set od 5 CDs
- CD - Eugen Suchon: Complete Piano Works, set od 4 CDs
- CD - Eugen Suchon: Song Cycles

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